

Jennifer's books

Goodbye, Vitamin
American Fire: Love, Arson, and Life in a Vanishing Land
Mrs. Hemingway
Poetry Will Save Your Life: A Memoir
The Princess Diarist
Watch Me Disappear
Hello, Sunshine
Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success
A Man Called Ove
The Heirs
Our Souls at Night
White Fur
Confessions of a Domestic Failure
The Map That Leads to You
The Little French Bistro
Love the Wine You're With
Always and Forever, Lara Jean
Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore
The Party
New Boy

Jennifer Curry's favorite books »

Monday, July 3, 2017

Things My Almost 3 Year Old Does Well

A few weeks ago, I shared the ways my daughter drives me crazy. While it is still true that she has her days when she makes me lose my mind, there are far more times when she does something so small and sweet and cute that it feels like I could not possibly love her more. You’re familiar with this feeling. It’s how God made mothers.

On top of all the adorable things she does on a daily basis, she also fills our world with laughter. She has the zaniest personality and she continues to surprise us with all her sass and sophisticated come-backs. In honor of her last month as a two-year-old, I’d like to list the things she does so well.
  1. She has mastered the art of sneaking out of her bedroom and into her brother’s room at night. On several occasions, we have awoken to find her sound asleep in her brother’s bed without us having any idea she’d even left her room. 
  2. She is the best cuddler. In the mornings, she will tiptoe into our bedroom and climb into bed and curl right into me. She will rest her little head beneath my chin and lay there quietly until I am ready to get up. 
  3. She sings loudly and often. She sings songs from the radio and she makes up her own. She loves Broadway and female belters (Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, etc.) and Reba, of course. Her favorite song at the moment is “Girl is on Fire.” 
  4. She knows how to show true appreciation. When she genuinely loves something, there is no hiding it. She cheers, she screams, she wiggles and she giggles. She expresses her thanks to everyone in sight. 
  5. She dances freely. She twirls and jumps and shakes her butt. She knows music means freedom and fun. 
  6. She knows good food. When she eats something she enjoys, she closes her eyes in ecstasy and makes “yum” sounds. It is hilarious to see this little person showing her sheer pleasure in the way something tastes. 
  7. She is fiercely loyal. She loves her family – and her brother the most. If anyone messes with her brother (except for her), then they better be prepared for her wrath. 
  8. She listens to what I say and repeats it…but with her own spin. For example, when I tried to teach her about private parts, she went around yelling at everyone (including strangers), “Don’t look at my body!” While important, I didn't mean for her to YELL it when someone looks at her. 
  9. She is an adorable mixture of tomboy and priss. She can switch seamlessly from pretending to be a shark to spinning like a ballerina. She gets as excited to see sports on tv as she does princesses. 
  10. She marches to the beat of her own drum. She does things differently, in her own way, and she gets them done. She does not walk in a straight line – she zigzags and spins and leaps and stops to smell the roses – but she gets there. 

In her little life, she has taught me so much about love and grit. I am honored God chose me to be the mother of this little girl who radiates silliness and beauty.  And, on my best days, I am just happy to bask in her glow. 

Sunday, July 2, 2017

My Favorite Reads of 2017 So Far

It’s July. That means we have officially reached the 2017 halfway point. I cannot believe it. But, while the year has flown by, so have all the books. At this point, I have read 40 books this year. I decided to highlight the 6 books that have stayed with me the most – these are the books I have been dying to discuss with others. They cover a wide range – from nonfiction to literary to women’s fiction. If you have not read any of these books, I encourage you to add them to your stack.

Hillbilly Elegy

If you have not read this one yet, you may be the only one. It is a bestseller for a reason. You can read my full review here.

Anything is Possible

I cannot express my love for Elizabeth Strout in words. You have to trust me – she is one of the best. Her latest novel was remarkable. You can read my full review here.

A Gentleman in Moscow

This was such a delightful read. It is stuffed to the brim with literary references, excellent characters, and an ingenious plot involving a man imprisoned in a fancy Russian hotel. You can read my full review here.

Just Mercy

Bryan Stevenson writes a moving novel about his experiences defending those on death row. It opened my eyes and I talked about it for days – you will too. You can read my full review here.

The Party

This is the one “less than literary’ novel on the list, but by golly, it is a fun read! I devoured on our beach trip and I am itching to talk about it with my mom reading book friends. You can read my full review here.

Our Souls at Night

This is the only book on the list I have not written a full review on yet, and this is because my book club has not discussed it yet. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone in the group, but I will tell you I fell in love with the writing. Full review to come later in July! 

* You may order all these books from Amazon by clicking the links or simply clicking the picture. These are affiliate links. Thank you for supporting my blog!