

Jennifer's books

Goodbye, Vitamin
American Fire: Love, Arson, and Life in a Vanishing Land
Mrs. Hemingway
Poetry Will Save Your Life: A Memoir
The Princess Diarist
Watch Me Disappear
Hello, Sunshine
Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success
A Man Called Ove
The Heirs
Our Souls at Night
White Fur
Confessions of a Domestic Failure
The Map That Leads to You
The Little French Bistro
Love the Wine You're With
Always and Forever, Lara Jean
Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore
The Party
New Boy

Jennifer Curry's favorite books »

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Book Review: If the Creek Don't Rise

If the Creek Don't Rise by Leah Weiss

So, I feel like a jerk, but I just did not care for If the Creek Don’t Rise by Leah Weiss. I recognize that it may just be where my mind is at currently, but this book, while well-written, was incredibly depressing and slow moving. Those who have been following me know that I do like my share of depressing novels, but I need a little bit of happy so my tears are worth it.

I had to force myself to keep reading because it did not capture my attention. Then, the plot and characters were so sad that I did not find many reasons to want to keep reading it.

For example, the characters live very hard, poor lives in rural Appalachia. However, they do not seem to learn from their choices and just continue living the same sad lives – getting beaten, alienating others, hurting relationships, etc.

I really wanted to like this book more since I have heard so many rave reviews and it is set in time/place and a genre I usually enjoy reading about (Southern fiction). In this case, it just did not happen for me.

However, I will say that for a character-driven novel, the author does a nice job of creating a vast array of characters. I did not like or relate to many of them, which made it difficult in a character-driven novel. But, if you like novels more focused on character than plot. And novels that are gritty, realistic, frank, and depressing, then you will most likely enjoy it.

I do believe I am the weird one here as the book is getting quite a bit of praise, but I just couldn’t wait to finish it so I could read something more enjoyable. Sorry! 

* I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

* You may purchase this book from Amazon here. This is an affiliate link. Thank you for supporting my blog!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

On Creating Space and Bread & Wine

I am a bit behind on my blog writing because, well, LIFE. Life is busy. Good, but busy. Recently, I have had several pieces to write for clients, so when I am on my computer, I tend to be writing something I’m getting paid for. Which makes it hard to write when I am “off the clock” so to speak.

My brain turns to mush and I can no longer formulate sentences. And my eyes hurt from staring at a screen. So, I took a pause on the blog. But, more importantly, I took a pause on social media.

My battle with social media has been an ongoing struggle. I cannot NOT look at it. Even when I know it is not adding to my life. Even when I know the things I am seeing are unhealthy. Even when I know there are way more productive things to do with my time. I scroll and scroll and scroll.

But, life got busy with school starting back, more deadlines, kids getting sick, etc. And, I somehow just stopped with the scrolling. I did not make myself. I did not force myself. I just stopped having the time.

Sure, I still check it periodically throughout the day. But, whereas before I knew everything that was happening in my friends lives at any given moment (based solely on statuses or posts) or what was happening the world via articles and news stations' social media feeds, I no longer was up to speed.

And, I like it. I mean, I was horrified last night when I learned something major had happened in a friend’s life and I thought I missed the memo due to Facebook. I didn’t. It just wasn’t shared.

But, it has been nice to be away from “it all.” “It all” being the constant never-ending spew of information. I think my mind needed a little break. And, I am learning that I just do not have that much space in my brain (or my life) to keep up with all. the. things.

It is not my job to keep up with all the things and I think I forgot that for a while. Sometimes it felt like I had to know everything that was happening with everyone in the entire world. No wonder I was always so tired.

I am currently re-reading Bread and Wine by Shauna Niequist with a group of dear friends and this passage hit home with me. I thought I’d share it in case someone else needs to hear it.

“I felt like I was stuffing myself with food, wine, people, books, experiences, things to do. I was unbelievably productive, like a crazy Energizer Bunny, but even when I was tired, I was still consuming – wine, shows, magazines, books. I was all feasting and no fasting – all noise, connection, go; without rest, space, silence.”

I, too, am great with the feasting and not so great with the fasting. So, I am making space for rest and silence. For me, that may look like taking time each day to turn off all the noise and look my children in their eyes and tell them I love them. It may mean just holding my husband a little longer in the morning before we begin our days. It may mean pausing for a week on the blog. It may mean more times of quiet prayer.

I don’t know what it will look like, but I am giving myself the space to figure it out.